supports embedding various types of content directly into your articles to enrich the reading experience. Here are some embedding options that you can utilize: CodePen : You can embed interactive CodePen demos directly into your articles using the following syntax: {% codepen penId %} Gist : You can embed GitHub Gists into your articles using the following syntax: {% gist username/gistId %} YouTube Videos : You can embed YouTube videos into your articles using the following syntax (Instead of id you can use link of the video also) : {% youtube videoId %} Twitter Tweets : You can embed tweets from Twitter directly into your articles using the following syntax: {% twitter tweetUrl %} Spotify Playlists : You can embed Spotify playlists into your articles using the following syntax: {% spotify playlistUrl %} Instagram Posts : You can embed Instagram posts into your articles using the following syntax: {% instagram postUrl %} JSFiddle : You can embed JSFid...
At CXDIIN, we are passionate about technology, programming, and exploring the vast world of JavaScript libraries. Our mission is to provide valuable resources, tips, and tricks to empower individuals and help them navigate the ever-evolving landscape of technology.