Title: Building a Telegram Bot with Next.js, GitHub, and Vercel Creating a Telegram bot with Next.js and deploying it on Vercel is a great way to build interactive bots quickly. In this tutorial, we'll take it a step further by organizing our project structure and enabling deployment through GitHub and Vercel's user-friendly UI. Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of JavaScript and Node.js Understanding of REST APIs and webhook concepts Telegram account GitHub account Vercel account Step 1: Set up Telegram Bot Create a new bot on Telegram using BotFather and obtain the bot token. Step 2: Initialize a Next.js Project Install Node.js if you haven't already. Initialize a new Next.js project: npx create-next-app my-telegram- bot Navigate to your project directory: cd my -telegram-bot Step 3: Organize Project Structure Create a folder named src in your project directory. Inside the src folder, create a folder named api . Inside the api folder, create ...
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