Introducing TweetX: The Twitter Video Player Clone for Your Website! SH20RAJ / TweetX TweetX Video Player - A Twitter/X UI HTML5 Video Player TweetX A Twitter video player clone for embedding Twitter-style video players on your website TweetX Video Player - A Twitter/X UI HTML5 Video Player Key Features: 🎥 Sleek Twitter-like Design: Get the Twitter video player look and feel on your website. 🎨 Customizable: Easily tweak colors and styles to match your website's theme. ▶️ Play, Pause, Volume Control: All the essential video player functionalities. 📐 Responsive: Works seamlessly on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices. 💻 Lightweight: Minimal footprint for fast loading times. Codepen | Demo Installation To use the TweetX video player on your website, follow these steps: Include the CSS file in the <head> section of your ...
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