supports embedding various types of content directly into your articles to enrich the reading experience. Here are some embedding options that you can utilize:
CodePen: You can embed interactive CodePen demos directly into your articles using the following syntax:
{% codepen penId %}
Gist: You can embed GitHub Gists into your articles using the following syntax:
{% gist username/gistId %}
YouTube Videos: You can embed YouTube videos into your articles using the following syntax (Instead of id you can use link of the video also) :
{% youtube videoId %}
Twitter Tweets: You can embed tweets from Twitter directly into your articles using the following syntax:
{% twitter tweetUrl %}
Spotify Playlists: You can embed Spotify playlists into your articles using the following syntax:
{% spotify playlistUrl %}
Instagram Posts: You can embed Instagram posts into your articles using the following syntax:
{% instagram postUrl %}
JSFiddle: You can embed JSFiddle demos directly into your articles using the following syntax:
{% jsfiddle fiddleId %}
SoundCloud Tracks: You can embed SoundCloud tracks into your articles using the following syntax:
{% soundcloud trackUrl %}
CodeSandbox: You can embed CodeSandbox demos directly into your articles using the following syntax:
{% codesandbox sandboxId %}
Twitch Streams: You can embed Twitch streams into your articles using the following syntax:
{% twitch streamId %}
{% post postLink %}
{% Organization OrganizationId %}
- link
{% link Link %}
- User
{% user userId %}
- Podcast
{% podcast podcastId %}
- Comments
{% devcomment 40fh %}
You can use the links instead of id's sometimes. also supports some HTML to be exicuted.
, details, h1, img, br, video
Tag etc.
Remaining you can tell me in comments to modify and enhance the enhancing Article.
These embedding options allow you to include a wide range of content directly within your articles on, making them more interactive and engaging for your readers.
Also Supports some HTML Syntax.
Supported URL Embeds
- DEV Community Comment
- DEV Community Link
- DEV Community Link
- DEV Community Listing
- DEV Community Organization
- DEV Community Podcast Episode
- DEV Community Tag
- DEV Community User Profile
- asciinema
- CodePen
- CodeSandbox
- DotNetFiddle
- GitHub Gist, Issue or Repository
- Glitch
- JSFiddle
- JSitor
- Loom
- Kotlin
- Medium
- Next Tech
- Replit
- Slideshare
- Speaker Deck
- SoundCloud
- Spotify
- StackBlitz
- Stackery
- Stack Exchange or Stack Overflow
- Twitch
- Twitter timeline
- Wikipedia
- Vimeo
- YouTube