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Creating an Instagram YouTube Downloader using PHP

 Creating an Instagram YouTube Downloader using PHP Source Code :-  GitHub  -

Mediaelement YouTube Embed Player Integration

 Mediaelement YouTube Embed Player Integration Firstly Check This Things :- Insert MediaElements.js Html5 Video player   HTML5 Audio Player Using Media Elements.js See Demo :- Steps To Integrate :-  1. Add src in <video/> Tag <video width="640" height="360"> <source src="" type="video/youtube"> </video> 2. Add Css CDN. <link rel="stylesheet" href=""/> 3. Add JavaScript CDN. And it's done now. <script src=""></script> See Demo Here :- Tips :-   You can also add a poster attribute to show a

Creating tiktok like website using pure JavaScript - ft. JSTikTok

Creating tiktok like website using pure JavaScript - ft. JSTikTok 😮 Download :-   Demo :- Note :- Tikee (Made from JSTikTok ) is now in building phase. Check it out :- ToolAde :-

Convert HTML to Entities Using JavaScript Function

Convert HTML to Entities Using JavaScript Function   htmlentities() is a PHP function which converts special characters (like <) into their escaped/encoded values (like &lt;). This allows you to show to display the string without the browser reading it as HTML. JavaScript doesn’t have a native version of it. If you just need the very basics to so that the browser won’t interpret as HTML, this should work fine (via James Padolsey and I got a a similar idea from David Walsh). function htmlEntities(str) { return String(str).replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;').replace(/"/g, '&quot;'); } The  PHP.js project , which is a project to port over all of PHP’s native functions to JavaScript, contains an example as well. I tried it and it works, but I’ve been warned much of the code from that project is poorly written, so I’ve kept it simple and used the above. Download

Embed GitHub Repo Files or Codes your Website or Blogger - ft. GitCodeEmbedder

Embed GitHub Repo Files or Codes your Website or Blogger - ft. GitCodeEmbedder GitCodeEmbedder :- GitCodeEmbedder - Free Embedder of GitHub Repo To Your Website / Blog Copy Paste This iframe Code to Your Website and change the src of iframe =[User]/[Repo]/main/[File Url]  See Examples Here :- 1. GitHub Embed Example :- Code :- <iframe frameborder="0" height="700px" src=";lang=css" width="100%"></iframe> Result :- 2. URL Embed Example :- Code :- <iframe frameborder="0" heigh

Display Codes on website or Blogger with Copy Option ft.

 Show Codes on website or Blogger with Copy Option ft. Steps :-     1. Add PrismJS Library To Your Website .         (i)  Add CSS CDN . <link rel="stylesheet" href="">        (ii) Add Javascript CDN <script src=""></script>     2. Now, Use The Combo of <pre> and <code> Tag To Show Your Code . <pre> <code class="language-javascript"> function getParameterByName(name, url) { if (!url) url = window.location.href; name = name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, "\\$&"); var regex = new RegExp("[?&]" + name + "(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)"),

Unlock PDF or Remove Password From PDF File ft.

  Unlock Your PDF Here :- Disclaimer  :- For Educational or Emergency Purpose .

AudiPlay Integration - Free HTML5 Audio Player

  AudiPlay - HTML5 Audio Player AudiPlay Integration - Free HTML5 Audio Player See GitHub :- Steps To Integrate     Step 1 :-  Use  class = "audiplay"  in Your Audio Tag . HERE IS THE AUDIO TAG     <audio controls class="audiplay" > <source src="" type="audio/mp3"/> </audio> <!--Here is the Audio Tag Library--> Step 2 :- Add Javascript CDN Just Before  </ body > Tag HERE IS THE JAVASCRIPT CDN <script src=""></script> <!--Here is the JavaScript Library--> You can also Use Style Attribute in your Audio Tag i.e. -:    style = " width: 700px; "  and You Will Get Responsive Audio Player . Before Adding AudiPlay - Free HTML5 Audio Player After Adding AudiPlay - Free HTML5 Audio Play

Get Image Hosting Using Google Photos - Free + Unlimited

 Get Image Hosting Using Google Photos - Free + Unlimited To Upload Local Photos From PC Steps :-          1. Go To Google Images ->             2.  Click on Search by Image  Click on Search by Image                3. Choose Upload an image and Upload your Image . Choose Upload an image and Upload your Image .          4. Now , Right Click on Image and Copy Image Address or Open Image In new Tab . Demo Image :-         5. Now , You are getting the Image But it is too small in Size . For Making The Size                     Bigger You Can see the last attribute in the url =s85 . Here 85 is Image size .                               Replace 85 From 1000 or any bigger number . To Get The maximum resolution                of the image . Demo :- 000 To Upload Web Phot

How To Update YouTube Title According To views and Likes on it

 How To Update YouTube Title According To views and Likes on it This Video Has x likes and y views - GitHub -> Method 1 Steps :-      1. Go Here To Google Scripts  .      2. Create a New Project . How To Update YouTube Title According To views and Likes on it - 1.png     3.  Go To Github Link  :-  and                Copy Whole Code For Embed . How To Update YouTube Title According To views and Likes on it - 2.png      OR Here is The Embed - You Can Also Copy From Here ...          4. Now , Delete All Code That are Present there Previously and Paste The New Code There ... Now , Delete All Code That are Present there Previously and Paste The New Code There ...     5. Now , Click on + sign on Services and Add YouTube V3 Data API . Now , Click on + sign on Services and Add YouTube  V3 Data API . Now , Click on + sign on Services and Add YouTube  V3 Data API .  

Create a Blogger Template Downloading Website In Blogger

 Create a Blogger Template Downloading Website In Blogger

Change Website's Title Using Using JavaScript

Change   See Demo on :- Use This Code :- document.title To Get The Title of WebPage ... Set The Value of document.title Like This :- document.title = "New Title of Your Website" ; You can Use This in Onclick Event or in Settimeout Functions ... Video SEO Just After Uploading

jUnlimitmp3 - Convert Your GitHub MP3 to Free Unlimited Audio Storage and Bandwidth

  jUnlimitmp3 jUnlimitmp3 - Convert Your GitHub MP3 to Free Unlimited Audio Storage and Bandwidth   jUnlimitmp3 Website :- See Video Documentation :-  GitHub Gives Unlimited Cloud Storage of Codes - See GitHub Doc You Can Create Unlimited Private and Public Repositories on Github . But the max-size of single file is 100mb . Here is a Sample Audio Fetched From :- <iframe src="" width="300px" ></iframe> Here is The Result -  You are Getting Unlimited Audio Storage Here Even if you  delete your audio from GitHub , your audio will still be saved Just Generate code from Here

Embed GitHub Repository Files into Your Blog or Website Using Gist-it

  Embed GitHub Repository Files into Your Blog or Website Using Gist-it Video Documentation :- See Demo :-      1. File URL :- 2. Embed Code :-  <script src = "" ></script> Preview :- I am sure that you here because, you have a situation that you need to embed a file from a github repository to your webpage/blog. right? I was in the same situation once, so I googled and got a perfect solution for my need and now for yours. Gist-it Gist-it  is your solution for it. A man named " Robert Krimen " is kind enough to create a application so that we can embed any file from github repository to our webpage/blog. You can do it as simple as in three steps, just like you embed a gist, hoping you are familia

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