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PhpGram - A PHP library for interacting with the Telegram Bot API.


PhpGram is a PHP library for interacting with the Telegram Bot API, providing easy-to-use methods for sending messages, media, managing chats, stickers, inline queries, payments, and more.

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Table of Contents


Install PhpGram via Composer:

composer require sh20raj/phpgram

Alternatively, you can clone the repository:

git clone



First, include the library in your PHP file and initialize PhpGram with your bot token:

require_once 'path/to/phpgram.php';

$token = 'YOUR_BOT_TOKEN';
$bot = new PhpGram($token);

Basic Usage

// Example: Get bot information
$botInfo = $bot->getMe();
echo 'Bot Username: ' . $botInfo['result']['username'] . PHP_EOL;

Sending Messages and Media

Sending Text Messages

// Send a text message
$chatId = 'YOUR_CHAT_ID';
$message = 'Hello from PhpGram!';
$response = $bot->sendMessage($chatId, $message);

Sending Photos

// Send a photo
$photoPath = 'path/to/photo.jpg';
$response = $bot->sendPhoto($chatId, $photoPath, ['caption' => 'Check out this photo!']);

Sending Audio

// Send an audio file
$audioPath = 'path/to/audio.mp3';
$response = $bot->sendAudio($chatId, $audioPath, ['caption' => 'Listen to this audio!']);

Sending Documents

// Send a document
$documentPath = 'path/to/document.pdf';
$response = $bot->sendDocument($chatId, $documentPath, ['caption' => 'Here is your document.']);

Sending Videos

// Send a video
$videoPath = 'path/to/video.mp4';
$response = $bot->sendVideo($chatId, $videoPath, ['caption' => 'Watch this video!']);

Sending Animations

// Send an animation
$animationPath = 'path/to/animation.gif';
$response = $bot->sendAnimation($chatId, $animationPath, ['caption' => 'Enjoy this animation!']);

Sending Voice Messages

// Send a voice message
$voicePath = 'path/to/voice.ogg';
$response = $bot->sendVoice($chatId, $voicePath, ['caption' => 'Listen to this voice message!']);

Sending Video Notes

// Send a video note
$videoNotePath = 'path/to/video_note.mp4';
$response = $bot->sendVideoNote($chatId, $videoNotePath);

Sending Media Groups

// Send a media group
$mediaGroup = [
    ['type' => 'photo', 'media' => 'path/to/photo1.jpg'],
    ['type' => 'photo', 'media' => 'path/to/photo2.jpg'],
$response = $bot->sendMediaGroup($chatId, $mediaGroup);

Sending Locations

// Send a location
$response = $bot->sendLocation($chatId, 40.712776, -74.005974); // New York City coordinates

Sending Venues

// Send a venue
$response = $bot->sendVenue($chatId, 40.712776, -74.005974, 'Venue Name', 'Venue Address');

Sending Contacts

// Send a contact
$response = $bot->sendContact($chatId, 'PHONE_NUMBER', 'FirstName', ['last_name' => 'LastName']);

Sending Polls

// Send a poll
$response = $bot->sendPoll($chatId, 'Your Question?', ['Option 1', 'Option 2']);

Sending Dice

// Send a dice
$response = $bot->sendDice($chatId);

Managing Chats and Members

// Kick a member from a chat
$userId = 'USER_ID_TO_KICK';
$response = $bot->kickChatMember($chatId, $userId);

// Unban a member from a chat
$response = $bot->unbanChatMember($chatId, $userId);

// Restrict a member in a chat
$permissions = ['can_send_messages' => false];
$response = $bot->restrictChatMember($chatId, $userId, $permissions);

// Promote a member to an admin
$response = $bot->promoteChatMember($chatId, $userId);

// Set custom title for an admin
$response = $bot->setChatAdministratorCustomTitle($chatId, $userId, 'Custom Title');

Handling Stickers

// Send a sticker
$stickerPath = 'path/to/sticker.webp';
$response = $bot->sendSticker($chatId, $stickerPath);

// Get a sticker set
$stickerSetName = 'sticker_set_name';
$response = $bot->getStickerSet($stickerSetName);

// Upload a sticker file
$stickerFilePath = 'path/to/sticker.png';
$response = $bot->uploadStickerFile($userId, $stickerFilePath);

// Create a new sticker set
$stickerParams = [
    'name' => 'sticker_set_name',
    'title' => 'Sticker Set Title',
    'png_sticker' => 'path/to/sticker.png',
    'emojis' => '😀',
$response = $bot->createNewStickerSet($userId, $stickerParams);

// Add a sticker to a set
$response = $bot->addStickerToSet($userId, 'sticker_set_name', 'path/to/sticker.png', '😀');

// Set sticker position in a set
$response = $bot->setStickerPositionInSet('sticker_file_id', 0);

// Delete a sticker from a set
$response = $bot->deleteStickerFromSet('sticker_file_id');

Inline Mode

// Answer an inline query
$inlineQueryId = 'INLINE_QUERY_ID';
$results = [ /* Array of InlineQueryResult objects */ ];
$response = $bot->answerInlineQuery($inlineQueryId, $results);


// Send an invoice
$invoiceParams = [
    'title' => 'Product Name',
    'description' => 'Description of the product',
    'payload' => 'unique_payload',
    'provider_token' => 'PROVIDER_PAYMENT_TOKEN',
    'start_parameter' => 'start_param',
    'currency' => 'USD',
    'prices' => json_encode([ ['label' => 'Product Price', 'amount' => 1000] ]),
$response = $bot->sendInvoice($chatId, $invoiceParams);

// Answer a shipping query
$shippingQueryId = 'SHIPPING_QUERY_ID';
$response = $bot->answerShippingQuery($shippingQueryId, true);

// Answer a pre-checkout query
$preCheckoutQueryId = 'PRE_CHECKOUT_QUERY_ID';
$response = $bot->answerPreCheckoutQuery($preCheckoutQueryId, true);


// Send a game
$gameShortName = 'game_short_name';
$response = $bot->sendGame($chatId, $gameShortName);

// Set game score
$response = $bot->setGameScore($userId, 100);

// Get game high scores
$response = $bot->getGameHighScores($userId);

Handling Updates

// Get updates
$updates = $bot->getUpdates();

// Set a webhook
$response = $bot->setWebhook('');

// Delete a webhook
$response = $bot->deleteWebhook();

// Get webhook info
$response = $bot->getWebhookInfo();


Contributions are welcome! Fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

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