WebScrapperJS - Get Content/HTML of any website without being blocked by CORS even using JavaScript by WhollyAPI
WebScrapperJS - Get Content/HTML of any website without being blocked by CORS even using JavaScript by WhollyAPI
Website :- https://sh20raj.github.io/WebScrapperJS/
Grab the CDN or Download the JavaScript File
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/SH20RAJ/WebScrapperJS/WebScrapper.min.js" ></script>
To Get HTML/Text Content of Any Website WebScrapper.gethtml()
or WebScrapper.get()
var url = 'https://google.com/';
var html = WebScrapper.gethtml(url);//html of the url will be stored in this variable
or WebScrapper.get()
both are similar.
Intialise own WebScrapper with URL new scrapper()
let MyWebScrapper = new scrapper('https://example.com/');
//You can now directly call gethtml() instead of passing a url into it.
console.log(MyWebScrapper.gethtml()); //Grab https://example.com/ and print on console
Still you can Use new created scrapper MyWebScrapper
for grabbing new URLs. Like
let MyWebScrapper = new scrapper('https://example.com/');
//You can now directly call gethtml() instead of passing a url into it.
console.log(MyWebScrapper.gethtml()); //Grab https://example.com/ and print on console
console.log(MyWebScrapper.gethtml('https://example.com/')); //Grab https://youtube.com/ and print on console
You can also fetch JSON Using WebScrapperJS
var json = WebScrapper.getjson('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1');//Return result direct in json format
Getting Result more Faster
Use the Below codes/methods only if the origin or feching URL is not blocked by CORS Like this
if your origin is not blocking you then you must use the below fetch() code instead of gethtml() directly.
because it returns the results faster without using API.It will directly fetch origin using AJAX.
Use WebScrapper.fetch()
to get the html/text
We will use this url https://webscrapperjs.sh20raj.repl.co/
because it is not blocked.
var html = WebScrapper.fetch('https://webscrapperjs.sh20raj.repl.co/');//This will be return the HTML/Text inside the webpage
Use WebScrapper.fetchjson()
to get the Parsed JSON
var json = WebScrapper.fetchjson('https://webscrapperjs.sh20raj.repl.co/sample.json');//This will be return the JSON inside the webpage.
Try this on Codepen
Sample Code | Codepen :- https://codepen.io/SH20RAJ/pen/VwrwjXJ?editors=1001
<div id="scrappedcontent"></div>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/SH20RAJ/WebScrapperJS/WebScrapper.min.js" ></script>
let MyWebScrapper = new scrapper('https://google.com/');
//You can now directly call gethtml() instead of passing a url into it.
console.log(MyWebScrapper.gethtml()); //Grab https://example.com/ and print on console
var html = MyWebScrapper.gethtml('https://example.com/');
console.log(html); //Grab https://youtube.com/ and print on console
document.getElementById('scrappedcontent').innerHTML = html;
See Results Here