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Custom Dailymotion Embed Video Player with Video.JS

Custom Dailymotion Embed Video Player with Video.JS See the Pen Dailymotion Embed Player Using Video.JS by SH20RAJ ( @SH20RAJ ) on CodePen . See All Related Links  Blogger Demo with Fantasy Skin :- Simple Dailymotion Player on Codepen :- Add Skins To your VideoJS Player :- Video Player with forest theme on JsFiddle :-

Free Unlimited Video Storage + Hosting ft. with Direct Download

Free Unlimited Video Storage + Hosting ft. with Direct Download * - YouTube has removed this video from their platform you can see above video. Still you can watch the video on dailymotion uploaded on 5 Sep 2022 11:32AM Video Documentation :- Visit Here to See the Movie Archive :-     -  To get unlimited Video Storage online with Unlimited Bandwidth Create an account on .      - Upload Your Movie/Video There. . For Example :- Now You have Uploaded your video to . Now it's time to Show/Put video on your Website. Put on Website There are 2 ways to Put the Video on Website. Embed the Video to Your Website. Use Direct Download Link to use it in <video/> Tag and give download option.

Unlimited Image and Short Video Hosting on

 Unlimited Image and Short Video Hosting on The thing for getting unlimited image hosting is to get the direct image url. That we can use in the src attribute of <img/> Tag. To show Image on our website using image cdn. You can also use alternate services like pinterest . For Getting the direct image or also the direct video URL you have to go to imgur and upload your files there. Like :-  I uploaded an Image here. Logo Now Right Click on Image then copy Image address i.e. :-  and use it in img tag :- Host Videos All Process are same for Video File Right click and copy video  address . and you will get the direct video URL. Like :-  and Then Use the URL in html video tag . Like :-  <video controls width="100%">   <source src=" " type="video/mp4">   Your browser does not suppo

Custom HTML5 Video Player - CuteSu - VideoJS Custom Skin Implementation

Custom HTML5 Video Player - CuteSu - VideoJS Custom Skin Implementation Full Screen Demo :- Steps :- 1. Add </video> Tag...     - About Video Tag -> <video id="my-video" class="video-js" controls poster="" data-setup='' loop> <source src="" type='video/mp4'/> </video> 2. Add CSS CDN...     (Before </head> Tag) <link rel="stylesheet" href=""/> <link rel='stylesheet' href=''> <link rel='stylesheet' href=''> 3.

VideoJs Custom YouTube Embed Player

VideoJs Custom YouTube Embed Player There are 2 Ways to Integrate .I will show you the simplest way. Ways :-      1. Go and see Documentation :-     2. See Below --- Add CDNs To Your WebPage :-  1. Css CDN Before </head> Tag <link rel="stylesheet" href="" /> 2. JavaScript CDNs before </body> Tag <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> 3. And add <video> Tag with type="video/youtube" in body ( where you want to place video ) <video id="my-video" class="video-js" controls preload="auto" width="640" height="

Male vs Female Viewers


Change Blogger Permalink to

Change Blogger Permalink to Today We Will Change our URL From :- To :- We will do this thing in Just 2 Steps. Steps :-  Setting Custom Redirect. Set Your Custom Redirect From Setting -> Errors and redirects -> Custom redirects     2.  Changing the Address URL after Load. Using JavaScript. See Full Article . JavaScript Code. window.history.pushState('new' , 'title' , '')

Get Unlimited Image Hosting Using Twitter

 Get Unlimited Image Hosting Using Twitter How to get :- Steps :- Upload your image as Tweet. Copy Image Address Using Right Click. Use URL in <img/> Tag. Here is a sample Image URL. And After Use in <img> Tag. i.e. <img src=" " height="auto" width="auto" /> Here is Result... Example :-

Blogger Limitations - You Must Know

  Blogger Limitations - You Must Know //Source 1 :- Google Blogger Limitations per Account Number of Blogs you can create:  100 per account About Me” profile info:  1200 character Profile Interests and favorites:  2000 character in each field Number of blogs to follow:  300 blogs per account Image size: Images via post editor:  Must be 1600px wide (or) high. If you upload more than 1600px dimensions, it will be scaled down to 1600px. Image for Template background:  No limit. But remember, it shows the impact on page speed. So try to upload low dimension images only. 6. Image file size: Uploaded image via Post editor:  Not more than 8MB. Background for Template image:  the image can ch

Hide JavaScript From Website - JavaScript Obfuscator Tool

Hide JavaScript From Website - JavaScript Obfuscator Tool JavaScript Obfuscator Tool JavaScript Obfuscator Tool A free and efficient obfuscator for JavaScript (including partial support of ES2019). Make your code harder to copy and prevent people from stealing your work. This tool is a Web UI to the excellent (and open source)  javascript-obfuscator @2.11.0  created by Timofey Kachalov.  Sponsor What is this? This tool transforms your original JavaScript source code into a new representation that's harder to understand, copy, re-use and modify without authorization. The obfuscated result will have the exact functionality of the original code. So,

Add Password to Blogger's Post or any Webpage Using JavaScript

Add Password to Blogger's Post or any Webpage Simply Add this Code To your Blogger's Post or Webpage if the person wil Enter Wrong PassWork You Page Will Be reloaded and it will ask one more time. <script> var person = prompt("Please enter Security Key", "Harry Potter"); if (person != "pass") { location.reload(); } </script> Here Pass is your password and Harry Potter is default value of the prompt and pass  is the Password in this script. Focus B   Here Instead of location.reload(); you can also use location.href = ""; to redirect user to website url(Here if user will insert Wrong Password. You can use this code as simple JavaScript on Bloggers Post or Simple HTML webpage also. But not use it for more confidential items because and user can view-source and search for the javascript or password.  Focus C But Here's a Trick if you want to hide the JavaScript Then You

Custom Video Player Integration - SopPlayer Red Rose Theme

Custom Video Player Integration - SopPlayer Red Rose Theme Link :- CodePen Link :-  See the Pen RedRose-Lite - Custom HTML5 Video Player - SopPlayer by SH20RAJ ( @SH20RAJ ) on CodePen . Forked and Modified From here :-

Add Ckin Video Player to YouTube and HTML5 Video Player

Custom HTML5 Video Player with Ckins... See Demo - On CodePen :- Just Copy Paste The CDNs To Your Website... Css CDN  <link rel="stylesheet" href=""/> Js CDN <script src=""></script> Add Video Player <video poster="" src="" data-ckin="default" data-overlay="1" data-title="The curious case of Chameleon..." ></video> See Demo :- Here are Some Skins Also :- Defaul

Create Website or GitHub Page for Organisation or Account (Not of Repo) Main

Create a repository Head over to GitHub and create a new public repository named, where username is your username (or organization name) on GitHub. If the first part of the repository doesn’t exactly match your username, it won’t work, so make sure to get it right.

Loop Loader For Website or Blogger | SopLoader - loop soploader#2

 Loop Loader For Website or Blogger | SopLoader - loop Video Documentation :- Just Copy Paste the CDN To Get This Loader Preview :- Get Code on :- See Demo :-

Train Loader For Website or Blogger | SopLoader - Trn

 Train Loader For Website or Blogger | SopLoader - Trn Video Documentation :- Just Copy Paste the CDN Just after <body> Tag.  To Get This Loader Preview :- On :- Source :- On Codepen :-   See the Pen Css stylish Loader with CDN #1 by SH20RAJ ( @SH20RAJ ) on CodePen .

Top online Code editors and Code Cloud Hosting's for Free online IDE

 Top online Code editors and Code Cloud Hosting's for Free 1. Codepen  - An online code editor, learning environment, and community for front-end web development using HTML, CSS and JavaScript code snippets, projects, and web applications. See the Pen Hlw World! by SH20RAJ ( @SH20RAJ ) on CodePen . 2. JSitor  - Test your JavaScript, CSS, HTML online with JSitor code editor. 3. JSFiddle  - JavaScript, HTML, CSS, online editor Test your JavaScript, CSS, HTML or CoffeeScript online with JSFiddle code editor. 4.  :- Replit is a simple yet powerful online IDE, Editor, Compiler, Interpreter, and REPL. Code, compile, run, and host in 50+ programming languages. 5. Codesandbox  :- CodeSandbox is an online editor tailored for web applications. 6. JS Bin :- JS Bin - Collaborative JavaScript Debugging 3. JsFiddle :- Test your JavaScript, CSS, HTML or CoffeeScript online with JSFiddle code editor. 4.   is a simple yet powerful online IDE, Editor

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