The onerror attribute in an HTML <img> tag is an event handler attribute that allows you to specify a script to run if an error occurs while loading an image. This can be useful for handling situations where an image fails to load, such as when the image URL is incorrect or the image is missing. Here's the basic syntax for using the onerror attribute with an <img> tag: <img src="image.jpg" onerror="imgError()"> In this example, if the image "image.jpg" fails to load, the imgError() function will be called. You can define the imgError() function in a <script> tag in the same HTML document or in an external JavaScript file: <script> function imgError() { // Code to handle the error, such as replacing the image with a placeholder console.log('Image failed to load'); } </script> You can also pass some information to the error handling function using this , which refers to the <img> ...
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